Communities to thrive, they need to evolve.

I enjoy that initial spark of fresh ideas whenever I have started a business. Me encanta! 

I have always started with problem-solving questions and schemas, passion, information gathering, planning, and team-building. Latinas Wine Club is not my first rodeo, so as an Entrepreneur and Founder, I knew that the sparks don’t last. When a business takes off, you’re in it until the end.

Long story short, since you know the story. I started Latinas Wine Club on Instagram in the summer of 2020, then evolved into a community and a corporation. We started gathering in person as soon as it was possible. 2021 was an excellent year for small and curated in-person events. We propelled the virtual events, and connecting with Hermanas and Amigas across the states, was empowering. 

Fast forward to 2022, the offer for in-person activities and many more family affairs kept growing. I started noticing a shift from all of us getting involved in life, striving to find a balance, and getting more commitments on top of the ones we used to have pre-pandemic. Also, many of us still want to nurture or deepen the connections we built up during the pandemic.

It had been two years since then, and it felt like a decade already. There have been many changes and bumps on the road. Before Covid, we lived as if there was always a tomorrow. Tomorrow I will do this. Tomorrow I will do that. Covid reassured us that tomorrow might never come. It sounds kitschy? Piensalo mija.

Personally, my life on top of Covid changed significantly. Last year, 2021, I was twice in the ER. The First time I was rushed into the emergency room for an Ectopic Pregnancy, and the Second Time I had a miscarriage. Not as scary as the first one, but it left me with a hangover of questions about life. (Roe vs. Wade on top of it) Those experiences made me more conscious about time, since it is the most valuable resource we have. As a result, I have changed my priorities and the time I spend on activities around Wine and the hustle, not to mention the most important ones: friends and family. 

Also, since we have to live in the now more than ever, I tried to live life and the wine life. Therefore, if I come across a great wine, I drink it today, at least with Coravin. Such as, in life, if matters that require attention, even if those matters need a conversation or changes, como decia mi abuelita: toma el toro por los cuernos, meaning, let’s do the work, let’s have that conversation and move on.

But why am I telling you all these things? Because Latinas Wine Club is evolving. We started during the pandemic with the mission of Educate, Elevate and Empower through Wine, a vibrant community of Latinas interested in Wine that is growing despite analysts telling us that we are still consuming more Tequila and Beer. Yet again, this community is growing. We receive many emails from Latinas in Wine wanting to get involved in Latinas Wine Club.

Communities to thrive, they need to evolve.

Erlinda, my first partner in Latinas Wine Club, is no longer part of Latinas Wine Club since last Monday. We want to take this opportunity to reflect on the change:

  1. We appreciate all her contributions, candid virtual classes, and leadership during the virtual events.
  2. We wish her well in her wine career and personal goals.
  3. We will cherish the moments together in New York and the DMV area.

During this time, Cynthia and I are happy and willing to continue spreading the word about an underserved community in Wine. Because, as Latinas Wine Club ambassador, Eliana stated in her blog post recently, we are interested in learning about Wine even though we don’t get the typical tasting notes right away. For instance, we are familiar with carne asada flavors, known by others as smoky flavors. Moreover, as consumers, we are curious and conscious and keep growing our taste buds to new flavors and experiences.

Expect changes, we are redefining our strategy, yet as we love Education, we think that even Education is changing these days. We are learning on the go, and we plan to keep that going. Do we appreciate your feedback on what format you want us to invest in the most. Do you preffer video or perhaps a podcast? Soy toda oidos y ojos, dejense caer que las leo! This is not the end. Amigas is only a continuation…

About the author

Martha is the Founder of Latinas Wine Club Inc. She is an Entrepreneur, Master in Information Science and Engineer, Technology and Wine Blogger. Contact her at martha @