Adelante: translation – forward, bring forward, move forward

Written by Cynthia Rodriguez, Ambassador Coordinator of Latinas Wine Club Inc.

I have to LOOK forward to MOVE forward. 

If there is anything I have learned in the last year it is that I can’t keep looking back.  I have already been there.  This has been especially true for my wine life. I used to host parties, organize events and loved to entertain.  These days all festivities are scaled back, have to be creative and host on a much smaller scale.  As a result, gatherings have been more intimate, but just as special.  Adelante!

Hosted a Sangria Saturday!  Casually had few friends over, it was the first time in a long time we were all able to get together.  We had an opportunity sit, visit and just celebrate being in person and with Sangria!  We laughed and all enjoyed the break from the world, pandemic and stress.  It was truly energizing.  Adelante!

Drinking the good wine and bubbles!  Being able to recognize the regular Thursday dinner at home is remarkable and I am celebrating it.  Supporting local restaurants and opening that bottle I forgot about or the sparkling wine I had been saving, just because.  Taking the time to slow down – savor the wine, food and company.   Adelante!

Growing in 2022!  Looking forward to the upcoming virtual events with Latinas Wine Club.  Exploring new wine regions including Israel, Georgia, Portugal, Greece and others.  Supporting LatinX wine makers and diversity in this community.   I am so thankful for the Latinas Wine Club and leading me in my wine journey!  Adelante! 

Follow Cynthia on Instagram at @wine4frida